• Frontline

    FL Quick Steps

    The Liberty Union High School District is using an automated service that simplifies and streamlines recording and managing absences and finding substitutes. This service is called Frontline Absence Management. The Absence Management service will be available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and can be accessed via internet and phone. 

    All absences for all employees will be entered in Frontline, regardless of whether or not that employee's position or absence requires a substitute.

    Absence Management Resources:

    Employee Quick Start Guide (English)
    Employee Quick Start Guide (Spanish)

    Substitute Quick Start Guide (English)
    Substitute Quick Start Guide (Spanish)

    How do I interact with Frontline?

    1.  You can interact with Frontline on the internet at https://app.frontlineeducation.com.  Here, you will be able to enter absences, check you absence schedule, update personal information, and excercise other features such as uploading your leasson plans for subsitutes to view online. 

    2.  You can also call Frontline toll free at 1-800-942-3767.  Simply follow the voice menu to enter and manage absences and access other features.

    3.  Download the Mobile App:  This app is ONLY for Employees: Download the Frontline Education App from your Apple App Store or your Goole Play Store.  Once you have dowloaded the app, enter the code 7354 then sign in with your new Frontline ID.  Employee Quick Start Guide  

    *When entering an absence, please wait until you receive a confirmation number before you terminate the phone call or close your internet browser window.  The transaction is not complete until you receive a confirmation number.

    If you have any questions or concerns please contact Michelle Snyder at 925-634-2166, ext. 2047.