Course Content and Performance Objectives
    Environmental Science ROP AP Environmental Science
    COURSE TITLE: Environmental Science
    GRADE LEVEL: Grades 9 ~l2
    PREREQUISITES: Algebra, Physical Science
    CREDIT: Meets University of California and CSU science elective requirements
    COURSE TITLE: ROP AP Environmental Science
    GRADE LEVEL: Grades ll ~l2
    PREREQUISITES: Algebra, Physical Science, and Biology
    CREDIT: Meets University of California and CSU Lab Science requirements
    Textbook: Environmental Science, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, l996.  
    Extensive use of internet resources will be used to supplement text materials.
    Textbook: AP Environmental Science, Friedman
    Extensive use of internet resources will be used to supplement text materials.
    NEW for 2013-2014!
    The AP class is now part of the ROP (Regional Occupation Program) funded and operated by Contra Costa County Office of Education. This provides us with more funding for labs and opportunities to connect with businesses/organizations in our community that may open up career opportunities for you! Students who complete this course with at least a C and 95% attendance (not miss 5 days) will receive a certificate for the accomplishment.

    COURSE DESCRIPTION: Environmental Science is an exploration course designed to acquaint the student with the interactive nature of mankind's place in the environment and the problems facing us due to continued growth, use of resources, and impacts on the environment. Both laboratory and field work are included.

    The student will:
    1. Learn a microscopic, macroscopic and global perspective of the environment
    2. Learn what ecosystems are and how they work
    3. Demonstrate the use of the scientific method to evaluate and solve environmental problems
    4. Understand the balance between mankind's development of land for food, fiber and mineral resource production and maintaining strong biodiversity
    5. Show understanding and sensitivity to impacts of energy, resource, and water use/waste, population growth and needs for a sustainable future
    6. Illustrate an understanding of biodiversity and the need for truly sustainable personal and business activities

    COURSE CONTENT: The course will include a balance between teacher-led lecture and instruction, field work, and student led discussion on specific topics. 

    Both practice and summative assessments will be used throughout the course. On average, approximately 25 % of the work will be practice, including homework assigned from the text, problem solving and other discussion in class, and completion of practice handouts and quizzes. Summative assessments will include at least one test and one laboratory or field investigation for each content area. Tests will include multiple choice questions specific to the standard knowledge. Laboratory reports must meet specific criteria for identification of objectives, experimental procedures, presentation of observation, analysis of findings, and statement of conclusion linked to objectives. All formal laboratory reports will be graded based on format, neatness and attractiveness of presentation, proper use of grammar and spelling, and clarity of discussion.