• WASC accredidation


    "The Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACS WASC) is one of six regional accrediting associations in the United States. The Accrediting Commission for Schools, WASC, extends its services to over 4,500 public, independent, church-related, and proprietary pre-K–12 and adult schools, works with 16 associations in joint accreditation processes, and collaborates with other educational organizations.

    The ACS WASC accreditation process fosters excellence in elementary, secondary, and adult education by encouraging school improvement. WASC accreditation recognizes schools that meet an acceptable level of quality, in accordance with established, research-based WASC criteria." (quoted from the WASC website)

    For more information on WASC, please visit the WASC website.


    Freedom High School was last awarded a 6 year status and is up for renewal in 2029-2030.


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