- Liberty Union High School District
- By-Trustee Area Election
Use the link below to find the trustee area you live in:
Find my Trustee Area
On Wednesday, October 23, 2019, the Board of Trustees of the Liberty Union High School District (LUHSD) approved a Resolution No. 2019-20 affirming their intention to transition from at-large to a by-trustee area election system. Public hearings inviting the public to provide input are listed below.
The Liberty Union High School District’s five (5) board members are elected by all of the voters in the district. This is known as an ‘at-large’ election. When there are multiple board seats up for election, voters choose multiple candidates from those who are running when they complete their ballot.
When elections are held through ‘by-trustee areas’, the district is divided into smaller areas and candidates for the board seat representing that district area must reside in that specific district area. Voters select one candidate from those who are running to represent their area of the district and do not vote on the seats representing other areas of the district. A “by-trustee area” election, wherein one candidate residing in each trustee area is elected by only the registered voters in that particular trustee area, ensures compliance with the California Voting Rights Act (CVRA).
At the January 12, 2022 Board meeting the Board approved to move to "By-Trustee Area" elections, Resolution 2022-04,and selected Map Plan B.
At the May 11, 2022 Board meeting the Board approved the election sequencing, Resolution 2022-10.
(click the above Map Plan B link for a better view and demographics of the Map)
Timeline Establishing Trustee Areas and Change Method of Election:
Three meetings were held to receive community comments and public testimony concerning proposed trustee voting area maps. The draft maps and related demographic data are below and can also be viewed at this link.
The Board encouraged comments and participation at the public hearings/meetings. All public hearings/meetings were posted in both English and Spanish.
Community Forum on Proposed Trustee Voting Area Draft Maps Wednesday, November 10, 2021, at 7:00 pm at the District Office Board Room:
First Public Hearing on Proposed Trustee Voting Area Draft Maps Wednesday, November 17, 2021, at 7:00 pm at the District Office Board Room:
The Board decided to consider Map A or Map B.
Second Public Hearing on Proposed Trustee Voting Area Draft Maps Wednesday, December 15, 2021, at 7:00 pm at the District Office Board Room:
Board Meeting Approving By-Area Trustee Elections and Map Selection Wednesday, January 12, 2022, at 7:00 pm at the District Office Board Room:
Board approved Resolution 2022-04 voting to approve By-Area Trustee Elections and selected Map Plan B.
First Public Hearing on Election Sequencing Wednesday, May 4, 2022, at 7:00 pm at the District Office Board Room
Second Public Hearing on Election Sequencing Wednesday, May 11, 2022, at 7:00 pm at the District Office Board Room
Board approved Resolution 2022-10 Election Sequencing
June 15, 2022 the Contra Costa Office of Education, Committee on District Organization will hold a public hearing to consider approval of LUHSD By-Area Trustee Elections.
- May 26, 2021: Public Input Prior to Initiating the Map-Drawing Process Beginning with the 2022 School Board Elections
- June 16, 2021: Public Input Prior to Initiating the Map-Drawing Process Beginning with the 2022 School Board Elections
- November 17, 2021: Public Input regarding the trustee area map plan scenarios (Map A, B or C)
- December 15, 2021: Public Input regarding the trustee area map plan scenarios (Map A or B)
- May 4, 2022: Public Input regarding election sequencing for trustee area elections
- May 11, 2022: Public Input regarding election sequencing for trustee area elections
- October 23, 2019: Redistricting Presentation
- July 21, 2021: Introduction to Trustee Area Boundaries
- November 10, 2021: Trustee Boundary Maps
- November 17, 2021: Trustee Boundary Maps
- December 15, 2021: Trustee Boundary Maps