Independence High School
Committed to focusing its resources on the achievement of academic and personal success for all students
- Click Here for Videos about Our School!
- 2024-2025 IHS Instructional Calendar
- Multi-Tiered System of Supports - MTSS (2024)
- Aeries Portal for Students, Parents and Staff
- Click here for Video of How to log into Clever & Canvas
- Click here for Video on How to Access Assignments & Submit to Teacher
- Click here for Instructions on How to Set-up Canvas Parent Application
- Registrar & Data Records
- Work Permit
- California Education Content Standards
- Calming Room -->Mindfulness/Wellness Resources
- Email (staff only)
- Graduation Requirements
- Nondiscrimination Notice
- Student Time Management Planner
- CA High School Proficiency Examination (CHSPE)
Latest Headlines
Youth Advisory Council Applications Are Now Open!
The Youth Advisory Council's mission is to empower students to contribute to education policy development and amplify the voices of underrepresented youth in statewide decision-making. Click on the link to find out more info. The deadline to apply is February 17th.
2025 Poetry Out Loud Competition Winner
Congratulations Grace (front and center), is our 1st Place Winner!!! Grace will now compete at the county level on Saturday 2/8 in Walnut Creek. Click on the link for more details.
Trades Day at Los Medanos College
Interested in a career in the trades? Attend the Trades Day Career Fair at LMC on Feb 20th from 9 AM to 12 PM. Learn about apprenticeships, meet union reps, and more! Click on the link to find out how to register.
IHS Graduation 2025 Update!
Save the date! Graduation will be here before you know it! It will be held on Tuesday June 3rd at the Liberty High School Ghiggeri Gymnasium. Be on the lookout for future updates!
BMWC Youth Summit 2025
Are you interested in learning more about careers in health care? Click on the link for information on how to register. Students of all cultural backgrounds and all genders in middle school and high school (grades 6–12), college, and post-baccalaureate, as well as parents/guardians, are welcome to attend.
Soroptimist Awards
Soroptimist is a global volunteer organization that provides women and girls with access to education and training to achieve economic empowerment, which includes financial aid. Click on the link to see specific award qualifications and deadlines.
Substance Use, Mental Health, & Teens: A Guide for Parents & Other Caring Adults
This guide includes local data on substance use among adolescents. The guide spotlights alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, and prescription drugs. It also provides information about adolescent brain development, mental health, and tips for supporting young people. The guide is available to view and download in an English and Spanish format on our parent guide webpage (click link above) and our team is developing additional resources.
Want to enter the county's science and engineering fair?
If you're interested in working on a project and entering it into the county fair, check in with your primary, science, and math teachers. Deadlines and more information are on the flier linked above. You can find links to their websites on the flyer itself. Or go to
College classes for high school students!
Concurrent enrollment starts on January 9th. Click on the link to see which classes are being offered to you as a high school student. Talk to Mrs. Abono for more information.
Get your "Class of 2025" t-shirts!
Attention seniors! Interested in purchasing a class of 2025 t-shirt? Get yours today! Order forms are in room 23 (Mrs. Moody's room) Cost is just $10.
IHS Leadership Class Presented at the District Board Meeting
Our IHS Leadership class was presented to the school board as they promoted our voter registration drive.
2024-25 Back to School BBQ (IHS and Gateway)
This year's Back to School BBQ was a success! Our theme was Pixar's Inside Out. Click on the link to see the turn-out!
Congratulations to our Honor Roll students for Spring semester of 2024!
Students, you can look forward to picking up your certificate with your primary teacher. Congrats again!
Center for Human Development presents: East County LGBTQ+ Youth Support
If you're interested in free food, making new friends, and having fun, click on the flyer linked above for more information. Both groups meet in Brentwood on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month. You can join virtually as well!
What's New in the Arts?
Click on the link above to see what's new in the arts at IHS. See student artwork throughout the school year and learn about techniques and different art topics.
English Department - Book Collages
Click here to check out our English language arts students' Quick Write Book collages.
Student Food Services/Servicios de Nutrición
Click here for information about the food services offered to students./Haga clic aquí para obtener más información sobre los servicios de alimentos.
Si necesita ayuda en español,
comuníquese con la escuela al 925-634-2589 y comuníquese con: Sra. Hermelinda Meraz: ext. 1037
Mission Statement
To inspire all students to learn by providing opportunities for academic achievement and personal success
Students will graduate as self –directed learners who are effective, clear communicators and responsible citizens prepared to compete globally in the 21st Century
*Inspiration *Dedication *Graduation
What's in Your Toolbox? Click on links below to see what IHS is working on with our students: